This may seem odd, but I haven't been able to write because I haven't landed upon a code name for my son that I want to use.
Crazy, huh?
I'm one of those people...the perfect codependent...who always needs to have the most unimportant things be perfect. I can't write about life with a son who struggles with a potential mental illness (in other words, undiagnosed) and addiction because I can't think of a name for him yet?
That's right. That's how my mind works. If I can't come up with a good name now, I figure, I'll think of one later and that will confuse readers, and that would make me a bad blogger -- and then it follows that I must also be a bad person.
These are the mind demons I wrestle with. Was I always like this? Or did being married to an alcoholic do me in? I wrestle with those questions too. In fact, I do a lot of mental wrestling with my own mind. It's exhausting, and like the alcoholic who wishes he/she could drink without it being a problem, I wish I could be in my own head without having to wrestle with it.
I'll be back...soon. Just as soon as I figure out a name.